Monday, August 11, 2008

using the master page from your site in custom _layouts pages

To use the master page on your site in custom _layouts i followed article but after executing this application i get the error:

The virtual path '/_catalogs/masterpage/default.master' maps to another application, which is not allowed

I cheked the above link and found in comments that, if you are trying to deploy your workflow to the root-site, make your files project a "file-system Website" not an HTTP Website.

I did this but still i was getting this error and was really in trouble.

After searching a lot on google and trying different things i found the solution.

Simply go to your project web.config and comment this line
'authentication mode="Windows" '

Hope this will help you. waiting for your comments.


Anonymous said...

one year later your post solved my big problem! thank you very much indeed.
=) x 100

Munazzah said...

keep viewing my blog, this will definetly help you. and you are also most welcome to post your questions and suggestions.

Jenice said...

Wow. I did also faced the same issue and your post helped me to solve it. Thanks for posting this great solution.
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